tools and websites
If you’re a plotter writing a fiction story or series, then the book plotting program Scrivener is for you. Follow Scrivener expert Joseph Michael for step-by-step tips on how to use the program.
When editing Word docs, I use PerfectIt which now pairs with “The Chicago Manuel of Style.” For emails, I use both Grammarly and ProWritingAid.
If you’d like to brush up your grammar skills, follow Grammar Girl.
If you like creative writing tips in different medias, check out Reedsy’s blog, website, and YouTube channel.
Freedom with Writing sends writing jobs right to your inbox.
Write for these great online magazines.
See an example of a publishing house’s guidelines on Elk Lake’s website:
Authors and Bloggers
Subscribe to author Jerry Jenkins ‘ blog to get writing advice. Check out his Writer’s Guild to watch webinars and him editing manuscripts.
Subscribe to Chad R. Allen’s blog to learn more about how to publish your book and write a book proposal. He also has a paid writers’ group called Book Camp which helps writers write and finish their books.
The Write Practice is a platform that helps writers practice their craft, improve their skills, and get published.
Subscribe to Thomas Umstattd Jr.’s blog “Author Media” or listen to the podcast to learn more about the marketing side of selling a book.